

コーヒーブレイク (1)”白砂糖のワナ”にはまった明治の文豪たち

コーヒーブレイク (1)”白砂糖のワナ”にはまった明治の文豪たち

コーヒーブレイク(1) 鈴木修一著 “白砂糖の罠”にはまった明治の文豪たち (正岡子規の悲劇) 正岡子規は明治の有名な歌人・俳人として才能を発揮しましたが、惜しむらくは35歳の若さで病死してしまいました。子規は子供の頃から、親からおやつ代わりに砂糖をなめさせるような育てられ方をして、大の甘党で大食漢でした。当時、白砂糖は高価な輸入品で、誰でも手に入るわけではなく、「不純物ゼロで、吸収が早い最高の栄養食品」とい...

”Modern Diabetes Affecting Many Business Men" (2)

”Modern Diabetes Affecting Many Business Men" (2)

“Modern Diabetes Affecting Many Business Men” Food(=whitened foods, white sugar, etc.) → absorbed in the intestines and sent into blood in the form of glucose → insulin secretion from β cells in the island of Langerhans in the pancreas → it promotes the uptake of glucose into cells, and this sugar is burned in mitochondria in cells to provide energy for the activities of the human body → surplus sugar is stored...

”Modern Diabetes Affecting Many Business Men" written by Shuichi Suzuki

”Modern Diabetes Affecting Many Business Men" written by Shuichi Suzuki

“Modern Diabetes Affecting Many Business Men” 1. The Prevailing Concept of Diabetes According to the conventional view of physicians, diabetes develops when over-nutrition and shortage of exercise invite obesity, the secretion of insulin from the pancreas becomes no longer sufficient, surplus sugar is retained in blood, and this sugar is discarded into urine. In short, it has been considered a “Disease resul...